Clue: On Stage


Clue: On Stage is a “murder-mystery comedy thriller” that follows six guests at a mysterious dinner party where they find themselves implicated as murder suspects when their host turns up dead. Wadsworth, the butler, leads Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, Mrs White and Miss Scarlet in an attempt to find the killer as the body count builds. Following in the footsteps of the film, the play is a “comedy whodunit.”

Ticket Information

Show times - 7:30 pm December 5, 6, 7, 12 13, 14, Olive St Theatre, 234 Olive St, South Albury

General Admission



Olive St Theatre


Doors open 45 minutes prior to performance.

Bar open

A licensed bar is available for you to enjoy a drink and some snacks before the show.

General Admission

The auditorium at Olive St Theatre is general admission for all seats. Please arrive on time to ensure your preferred seats.

Wheelchair Access

Olive St Theatre has wheelchair access to the auditorium. If you require a wheelchair space, please contact us at

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